3 Beautiful Gemstone Eternity Rings


One thing that makes you look beautiful and enhances your look is a piece of jewellery. A jewellery not only makes you look beautiful, but it also symbolises love, loyalty and commitment. People mostly give finger rings to their partner to show their commitment towards the relationship. Therefore, when they propose to their partner, they propose in a romantic environment with a finger ring in their hands.

Beautiful Eternity Rings Online:

An eternity ring is one such ring that symbolises love and commitment in a relationship. It is generally a metal band in gold or platinum, consisting of different gemstones and diamonds surrounding it. Sometimes it is completely surrounded by gemstones and sometimes it is half surrounded by gemstones. It is one of the most famous jewelleries that people prefer to give it to their partner in weddings or in anniversaries. Sapphire eternity rings, emerald eternity rings, diamond eternity rings and so on are some of the famous eternity rings.

You can get different beautiful gemstone eternity rings online as well. AG & Sons is one such jewellery shop in the UK where you can order different jewelleries such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, engagement rings, eternity rings such as ruby eternity rings, aquamarine eternity rings, emerald eternity rings and so on online as well. You can get customised jewelleries from this shop as well. You can either visit this shop or you can order online.

In this article we shall be looking at some of the beautiful gemstone eternity rings that you can gift your partner on special occasions. Let us have a look at 3 best gemstone eternity rings.

#1. Blue Sapphire Eternity Rings

It is mostly seen that people prefer to wear rings having diamond stones on them. It is because diamonds are the hardest element on the earth. This means diamonds are highly durable in nature. But apart from diamonds, there is a gemstone which is hard and durable, not exactly like the diamond, but somewhat similar to it. It is a Sapphire gemstone. This gemstone measures 9 on Mohs scale. Apart from being durable and hard, it is tough as well. Therefore, you can wear this gemstone on a daily basis. It also gives an alluring look to the eternity rings. These gemstones are given different shapes. They are available in different colours, but blue is the most common one. Therefore an eternity ring with blue Sapphire is largely available in the market. People born in the month of September wear Blue Sapphire gemstone. It symbolises luck, virtue and wisdom.

#2. Peridot Eternity Rings

This gemstone is available in only one colour, unlike the other gemstones that are available in different colours. The Peridot gemstone is green in colour. It is the birthstone for the people born in the month of August. It symbolises strength and everlasting love. This gemstone is reasonably durable. After diamond, peridot is the only gemstone that is formed in earth’s mantle. Rest other gemstones are formed in the earth’s crust. Because of its sparkling hues, it is mainly associated with light. People in ancient Rome used to call it ‘evening emeralds’. It is found in lava deposits, Mars, Moon and in space. Those who love to wear a gemstone in green colour, Peridot is a thing for them. It looks good and attractive with a gold eternity ring.

#3. Emerald Eternity Rings

This gemstone is mostly available in bold green colour. It is worn by people born in the month of May. Emerald has been derived from the mineral called pure beryl which is colourless and is the base for other gemstones, such as, Aquamarine, Morganite and Heliodor. Emerald is formed when beryl comes in contact with chromium or vanadium. More than fifty percent of Emeralds come from Columbia. Columbia is famous for mining this gemstone. The gemstone Emerald is known as the stone of prosperity. It symbolises growth and vitality and wearing this gemstone brings wealth, prosperity and growth. If you choose to wear an Emerald eternity ring, it enhances your beauty and you get a sophisticated and aristocratic look.

Summing Up

These are the three most beautiful gemstone eternity rings that you can wear for special occasions, such as a wedding or a wedding anniversary. Apart from these, there are other gemstone eternity rings that are famous and beautiful. They are the Ruby eternity rings and the Aquamarine eternity rings.

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