Did you know that the risk of cystocele rises along with age? Bladderprolapse is one of the most common problems that women experience as they get older. This condition can cause discomfort and affect your quality of life. If you are concerned about cystocele or bladderprolapse, read on for more information about these conditions and what you can do to protect yourself from them.
What is Cystocele?
A cystocele is a condition in which the bladder bulges into the vaginal canal. This can happen when the muscles and tissues that support the bladder weaken or loosen. Cystoceles are also known as prolapsed bladders. Cystoceles often occur in women who have had children, although they can happen in any woman. They become more common as women age. About half of all women over 50 have some degree of cystocele.
AskApollo is one of the top health libraries you can refer to in-depth about cystocele, its causes and treatments.
Types of Cystoceles
There are three types of cystoceles: anterior, posterior, and apical. Anterior cystoceles form when the bladder bulges into the front wall of the vagina. Posterior cystoceles form when the bladder bulges into the back wall of the vagina. Apical cystoceles form when the bladder bulges into the apex (top) of the vagina.
The most common type of cystocele is an anterior cystocele, followed by a posterior cystocele. An apical cystocele is less common and usually occurs in conjunction with a different kind of prolapse, such as uterine prolapse.
Signs and Symptoms of Cystocele
The major signs and symptoms of cystocele include:
- A feeling of heaviness or pressure in the pelvic area;
- A bulge or prolapse that you can see or feel in the vaginal area;
- Urinary incontinence, which means leaking urine when you cough, laugh, sneeze, or exercise;
- Difficulty urinating or emptying your bladder;
- Problems with sexual intercourse because of pain or difficulty with penetration;
- Urgent Urination
Causes of a Cystocele
There are various causes of cystocele, such as:
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Menopause
- Being overweight or obese
- Frequent heavy lifting
- Chronic coughing or sneezing
These are just a few of the many potential causes of cystocele. If you have any of these risk factors, you must be aware of the condition and talk to your doctor about your concerns.
How does Cystocele Rise with Age in Women?
As we age, the tissues and muscles in our body weaken and are not as supportive as they once were. This can lead to cystocele, where the bladder prolapses or drops down into the vagina. Older women are more likely to have cystoceles because of the natural ageing process and because they have often given birth, weakening the pelvic floor muscles.
How is Cystocele Treated?
Cystocele can be treated in two ways, surgical and nonsurgical, depending on the severity of the prolapse.
Surgical Method
If the cystocele is large or if it is causing pain, your doctor may recommend surgery. The most common type of surgery used to treat a cystocele is called a cystocele repair or bladder suspension. This procedure involves lifting the bladder into its proper position and then stitching it in place.
Nonsurgical Method
If the cystocele is small and not causing any problems, your doctor may suggest nonsurgical treatment options such as:
- Wearing a special device (pessary) that supports the vaginal walls and bladder.
- Doing pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegels). These exercises can help strengthen the muscles around your bladder and urethra.
- Using lubricants during sex. This can help reduce friction and prevent the cystocele from getting worse.
The Bottom Line
As we age, the risk of cystoceles rises. This is due to a combination of factors, including hormone changes, weakened pelvic floor muscles, and gravity. While treatments are available to help manage cystoceles, prevention is always the best course of action. If you want to get into more detail about this condition, then it would be best for you to go through the AskApollo site.