What is a ‘Back to School Necklace’?


As summer comes to an end it’s common to be informed about everything Back to School Necklace related. Shopping is one of the activities that we hear about this time of year. After all, visiting the market to purchase new school outfits and accessories is fun for both parents and children.

If you’re hearing students talking about their Back to School Necklace It’s crucial to remember that they’re not discussing an exciting, new necklace. Instead, it’s a tense phrase (that isn’t a cause for concern at first) that you may encounter in conversation or via social media. What is a necklace for back-to-school?

What exactly is what is a “back-to-school necklace”?

In the Urban Dictionary, a Back to School Necklace is described as “another name for a noose. This is due to the utter despair you feel when school starts back up again.”

Examples of its usage are: “I’m about to buy my back to school necklace,” “I can’t wait to get a back-to-school necklace,” “Thinking about that Back to School Necklace,” “That back-to-school necklace is calling me,” “I can’t wait to wear my back-to-school necklace,” and so on.

It’s true that a back-to-school necklace may sound innocent to people who don’t know its purpose, it’s in reality a call for help since it’s actually an expression of hanging death.

However, once parents are informed about the concept, they will be in a better position assist.

What should parents discuss about the latest trending necklace for back-to-school with their kids?

If you’re not sure of how to approach this issue, Samantha Westhouse, LLMSW Psychotherapist and maternal-infant social worker suggests taking your child as the leader of the discussion. “Start off by saying, ‘I heard about this thing called Back to School Necklace–do you know anything about that?'” she suggests. “I think an open conversation is always beneficial. It’s always important to refrain from judgment so your child feels comfortable sharing how they are feeling.”

Simply taking the time to take a look can make a difference. “Parents should feel empowered to talk to their children about mental health in general,” says Emily Cavaleri, LLMSW who is a school social worker as well as a therapy for children and families. In relation to back-to-school discussions, she says, “Share personal stories about how you felt starting school each year, especially if you had feelings of dread when you were a child. Let them know you will help them work through any feelings or get them professional help if needed.”

What is the reason there is so much anxiety as students get ready for the start of their school year?

There is a certain amount of anxiety since students have to adjust to a new routine after summer. “Returning to school can feel overwhelming for a variety of reasons,” Cavaleri says. “Some students struggle with thoughts of a new school, a new teacher, a new schedule, etc. Students are going from sleeping in and a relaxed schedule, to early mornings and busy days.”

Sometimes, these challenges appear to be insurmountable for students. For instance, the CDC has found that “More than 1 in 3 high school students had experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness in 2019, a 40 percent increase since 2009.”

“I think it could be a combination of what socialization has looked like the last two years on top of the age,” Westhouse elaborates. “If we consider it the present, 13-year-olds were in their 10th year in the year we found ourselves under lockdown. They were attending school on the internet and being left out of regular activities, sports and socializing. Also, add mass school shootings and the things we’ve seen in the world of today over the past couple of years. All of it has an impression.

What are some signs of warning parents need to be looking out for?

“If someone is using this phrase, there is a high chance that they are struggling with their mental health,” Cavaleri states. “Whether you child contemplating suicide , or uses this phrase to plea for help, the indicators you can observe includebeing alone for a long time or withdrawn, having a tendency to be irritable frequently crying, crying easily sleepy more than normal or having difficulty sleeping, losing enthusiasm for things they once enjoyed or giving possessions away, and generally an alteration in behavior.

If you’ve not seen your child using this phrase, it could be a phrase that they use on their mobile phones, Cavaleri points out. “They may use it via text or social media platforms,” she declares. “Parents should be aware of their children’s electronic use. Students of any age may be using this phrase and having these feelings, so look for signs in your children, from young children to adolescent age.”


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